Monday, July 28, 2008

This Sunday was another wonderful day to be together at the chapel. We had lots of new faces and lots of visitors who came to hear Bill Myers give his testimony. Bill is a long-time Munday resident who had his life radically changed after alcoholism and tragedy cost him almost everything he had including his marriage. He talked very candidly about his struggles and his mistakes and how different his life is since his life was changed by God. If you missed it and you know Bill Myers, strike up a conversation with him and ask him about it. He is a walking and breathing miracle.

What can I say? Worship, children's church, and everything was great this past Sunday...

Life Group was at Doug and Leann Tidwells this Sunday. We enjoyed fried fish, okra and the works. We also enjoyed a great discussion time. These meetings are knitting us together as a close family of brothers and sisters in Christ.

This coming Sunday there is a deacons meeting at 6 and a special event for all at 7pm... Stay tuned!

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